Tamil film “Soorarai Pottru” won the National Award for Best Feature at the 68th National Film Awards for 2020. The film, inspired by the life of Air Deccan founder Captain G R Gopinath, also won Suriya the Best Actor award and Aparrna Balamurali the Best Actress prize. Soorarai Pottru alsoRead More →

Finding Imlie is about to leave Aryan’s home, Aryan begs her to stay as he didn’t mean it. While talking to her, he suddenly realises that she might be going away from him and his child forever. But then he remembers the day when their child was born. The dayRead More →

Kajol said in a recent statement that she has yet to be convinced about making the move into web series territory. “I have been trying to convince my team for years that it’s time I got on this bandwagon, but they just didn’t listen. Since I’ve become more involved inRead More →

For all Hindi music fans, check-out latest Hindi song “Hayaa” sung by Anurag Mohn. Music of song “Hayaa” is given by Anurag Mohn while the lyrics of “Hayaa” song are written by Shraddha Bhilave. Enjoy the video and stay tuned to ETimes for more songs like Hayaa.Read More →

We’ve all been in the kitchen together and let me tell you, we’re a fun bunch. We spend all day cooking up delicious things to eat, but we also love having a laugh with one another. So whether it’s chatting about what’s happening at home or sharing jokes with oneRead More →