Not quite an adaptation, the film Tigmanshu Dhulia’s The Great Indian Murder is based on a popular novel called Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup. With an ambitious spirit and intensity to his work, Dhulia and his co-writers jumped into the story about crime, class, corruption and politics in a taleRead More →

It’s the 1920s, and the widowed Alma (Kirsten Dunst) has arrived at a farm, housed by a man (Benedict Cumberbatch) who has been raised to believe that women were nothing more than possessions. It takes time for her to get used to life on the ranch but after some time,Read More →

A French teenage tourist named Camille’s body is found hanging from a tree in a studio that’s reportedly situated in Himachal Pradesh. But Aranyak gives you time to settle into the narrative and also take your time to reflect on how far some people will go to get what theyRead More →

The first image of the episode and the last one of the entire season are significant since Aarya is in gymnastic rings and she is able to move around just like a bat while also balancing herself just as well. It’s also interesting how Sushmita Sen has been able toRead More →

The Filmfare OTT Awards 2021 were held in Mumbai at the Taj Lands End hotel. And the big winners of the night were Scam 1992 and The Family Man 2, who had high hopes going into the event.nal favourite The Christmas Detour.Read More →