A French teenage tourist named Camille’s body is found hanging from a tree in a studio that’s reportedly situated in Himachal Pradesh. But Aranyak gives you time to settle into the narrative and also take your time to reflect on how far some people will go to get what they want in life. Director Vinay Waikul runs a suspenseful police procedural series based on characters written by Charudutt Acharya, and additional screenplay by Sumit Purohit that taps into the deliberate benefits of long-form storytelling. Being able to move at your own pace, deeper into the lives of the characters involved in this murky situation can help build a better foundation for why folks are doing what they do specifically when it comes down to trying to figure out just how many different motives and/or any possible agendas there might be as well as who might really be behind everything if anyone at all.

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